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Kembangkan bisnis Anda dengan WhatsApp

image 204
Mulai perjalanan WhatsApp Anda hanya dengan $58 /qtr!

Detail Kontak

Detail Perusahaan

Dengan klik “Buat akun” artinya Anda setuju dengan ketentuan layanan dan kebijakan privasi kami

Jangkau lebih dari 1000-an pelanggan hanya dengan satu klik

Respon pertanyaan pelanggan dengan Inbox Instagram

Tingkatkan dukungan pelanggan Anda dengan WhatsApp Automation

25.000+ merek di seluruh dunia ❤️ Berinteraksi untuk meningkatkan penjualan, dukungan & pemasaran mereka di WhatsApp

Mulai toko WhatsApp Anda dalam hitungan menit

Dari Akuisisi hingga Konversi– Interakt melakukan semuanya Platform CRM Terpadu

1 2

Platform CRM Terpadu

2 3

Percakapan yang Mengkonversi

2 3
3 2

Otomatisasi Tanpa Coding


Peningkatan penjualan


Peningkatan pemulihan keranjang


Penurunan biaya CRM


Tingkat keterlibatan lebih tinggi

Terintegrasi dengan mudah dengan platform apa pun

Group 4434

Solusi WhatsApp lengkap untuk setiap industri

Lebih banyak alasan untuk memilih Interakt

Dapatkan akun WhatsApp Business API terverifikasi Centang Hijau beserta:

Akses ke API Meta

Manfaatkan Meta API langsung dan dapatkan akses ke fitur WhatsApp Business API terbaru
Frame 1

Infrastruktur yang Skalabel

Ribuan merek telah bermitra dengan kami untuk meningkatkan dukungan & keterlibatan pelanggan mereka!
Frame 2

Integrasi yang Mulus

Integrasi OOTB dengan CRM favorit Anda, gateway pembayaran, toko elektronik & platform otomasi pemasaran
Frame 3

Orientasi yang lancar & pengaturan yang mudah

Minimalkan gangguan operasional, dan terapkan solusi WhatsApp yang canggih untuk bisnis Anda dalam beberapa langkah sederhana!
Frame 4

Penetapan harga yang sangat kompetitif

Tidak ada biaya tersembunyi – struktur harga transparan tanpa penguncian. Kami menunjukkan kepada Anda biaya kampanye di muka sehingga tidak ada kejutan di kemudian hari.
Frame 5

Industri Terkemuka

Akses dukungan pelanggan premium kami dan dapatkan penyelesaian dalam hitungan menit!
Ecosystem Map
Group 11698

Platform yang diakui secara global

Sebagai Mitra Bisnis Meta resmi, kami berkomitmen untuk membangun ekosistem WhatsApp terbesar dengan mitra seperti Shopify, WooCommerce, Razorpay, PayU, Tally, Pabbly & lainnya.
Frame 11613

Iklan yang Diklik
Ke WhatsApp

Dapatkan Harga API WhatsApp Business Terbaik dengan paket & layanan super terjangkau

Dapatkan Harga API WhatsApp Business Terbaik dengan paket & layanan super terjangkau

Otomatiskan Dukungan Pelanggan, Dapatkan Pemasaran WhatsApp, dan Jual Di WhatsApp Menggunakan Interakt

Otomatiskan Dukungan Pelanggan, Dapatkan Pemasaran WhatsApp, dan Jual Di WhatsApp Menggunakan Interakt
Monthly Quarterly Yearly
Save 8% on Quaterly. Discounted Price below.
Save 20% on Yearly. Discounted Price below.
Not Applicable  
(Only Quarterly & Annual pricing is applicable)

1000 free service conversations

Conversation charges as applicable in you region. Click here for details.

*Price for Indian destination numbers. Click here for other regions
₹2499 /mo (+taxes)

Unlimited agents

1000 free service conversations

Conversation charges as applicable in you region.
Click here for details.

*Price for Indian destination numbers. Click here for other regions
₹3499 /mo (+taxes)

Unlimited agents

1000 free service conversations

Conversation charges as applicable in you region.
Click here for details.

*Price for Indian destination numbers. Click here for other regions
$35 /mo (+taxes)

Unlimited agents

1000 free service conversations

Conversation charges as applicable in you region.
Click here for details.

*Price for Indian destination numbers. Click here for other regions
$54 /mo (+taxes)

Unlimited agents

1000 free service conversations

Conversation charges as applicable in you region.
Click here for details.

*Price for Indian destination numbers. Click here for other regions

Shared Team Inbox

Unlimited Team Members

Instagram Inbox


Chat Automation

Welcome, OOO
Welcome, OOO, Delayed, Custom Replies
Welcome, OOO, Delayed, Custom Replies

Automated Workflows


4 Webpages, 4 Runs (Valid till sept 24)
6 Webpages, 8 Runs (Valid till sept 24)

Roles & Permissions

Auto Chat Routing


Launcher and Dashboard
Launcher and Dashboard

Campaign Filters

Basic, Advanced
Basic, Advanced

Merchant Concierge

Link/Button Tracking


Advanced + CC + Catalog + LTO


Native Builder, Custom Replies and Campaigns
Native Builder, Custom Replies and Campaigns

Automated Checkout Flow

Order Management Panel (Non-shopify merchants)

WhatsApp Payments

Onboarding & Setup


App Integrations



Track APIs
Starter + Template Send + Message Webhooks
Growth + Sessions API + Incoming Msg Webhooks + Template Management + Payments on WA + Order Management Webhooks

API Rate Limit

100 requests/min
300 requests/min
600 requests/min

WhatsApp Widget


Bulk WA Notifications & Campaign Analytics
Bulk WA Notifications & Campaign Analytics, Conversation Analytics
Bulk WA Notifications & Campaign Analytics, Conversation Analytics, Agent Analytics

Order Related Webhooks


*Total monthly billing = Subscription Charges based on your plan + Conversational charges above free limit

For more information on how the pricing structure works, click here

For country-wise conversational charges, click here

Shared Team Inbox

Unlimited Team Members

Instagram Inbox


Chat Automation

Welcome, OOO, Delayed, Custom Replies
Welcome, OOO, Delayed, Custom Replies

Automated Workflows


4 Webpages, 4 Runs (Valid till sept 24)
6 Webpages, 8 Runs (Valid till sept 24)

Roles & Permissions

Auto Chat Routing


Launcher and Dashboard
Launcher and Dashboard

Campaign Filters

Basic, Advanced
Basic, Advanced

Merchant Concierge

Link/Button Tracking


Advanced + CC + Catalog + LTO


Native Builder, Custom Replies and Campaigns
Native Builder, Custom Replies and Campaigns

Automated Checkout Flow

Order Management Panel (Non-shopify merchants)

WhatsApp Payments

Onboarding & Setup


App Integrations



Starter + Template Send + Message Webhooks
Growth + Sessions API + Incoming Msg Webhooks + Template Management + Payments on WA + Order Management Webhooks

API Rate Limit

300 requests/min
600 requests/min

WhatsApp Widget


Bulk WA Notifications & Campaign Analytics, Conversation Analytics
Bulk WA Notifications & Campaign Analytics, Conversation Analytics, Agent Analytics

Order Related Webhooks


*Total monthly billing = Subscription Charges based on your plan + Conversational charges above free limit

For more information on how the pricing structure works, click here

For country-wise conversational charges, click here

Get Best Plan

Not Applicable
₹2499 /mo (+taxes)
₹3499 /mo (+taxes)
On request

*Total monthly billing = Subscription Charges based on your plan + Conversational charges above free limit

For more information on how the pricing structure works, click here

For country-wise conversational charges, click here

Not Applicable
(Only Quarterly & Annual pricing is applicable)
Conversation charges as applicable in you region. Click here for details.
*Price for Indian destination numbers. Click here for other regions
Growth Recommended
₹2499 /mo (+taxes)

Unlimited agents

Conversation charges as applicable in you region. Click here for details.
*Price for Indian destination numbers. Click here for other regions
Everything in Starter, Plus
₹3499 /mo (+taxes)

Unlimited agents

Conversation charges as applicable in you region. Click here for details.
*Price for Indian destination numbers. Click here for other regions
Everything in Growth, Plus
On request

Unlimited agents
Unlimited conversations


No Markup Charges
Dedicated Account Manager

Everything in Advanced, Plus

*Total monthly billing = Subscription Charges based on your plan + Conversational charges above free limit

For more information on how the pricing structure works, click here

For country-wise conversational charges, click here

Klien kami seperti yang ditampilkan oleh Meta

Pengurangan biaya sebesar 80% dalam pengeluaran dukungan pelanggan
“Kami meningkatkan visibilitas produk dan layanan pelanggan dengan mengintegrasikan alur kerja penjualan WhatsApp Interakt dan fitur katalog produk ke dalam WhatsApp Business. Langkah ini ditujukan bagi pelanggan yang tidak berpengalaman dalam bidang teknologi, meningkatkan nilai pesanan, menyederhanakan operasi, dan memangkas biaya.”

Sahana Goel

Co-founder, Purple Panchi

85% pertanyaan diselesaikan dengan WhatsApp Automation
“Interakt membantu kami memperkuat dukungan pelanggan. Dengan otomatisasi WhatsApp, 85% pertanyaan diselesaikan dengan cepat, sehingga mengurangi waktu respons dari hitungan jam menjadi menit.”

Raghav Jhawar

Co-founder, The State Plate

Pengurangan biaya perolehan timbal sebesar 52%.
“Interakt membantu kami memperkaya percakapan dengan pelanggan kami secara mendalam dengan menambahkan fitur-fitur WhatsApp yang baru dan lebih baik. Hal ini membantu kami menciptakan percakapan yang lancar dan interaktif untuk mengatasi hambatan.”

Jitendra Sharma

Founder & CEO, HairOriginals

Get Best Plan

Not Applicable
₹2499 /mo (+taxes)
₹3499 /mo (+taxes)
On request
Not Applicable
(Only Quarterly & Annual pricing is applicable)
Conversation charges as applicable in you region. Click here for details.
*Price for Indian destination numbers. Click here for other regions

Get Best Plan

Not Applicable
₹2499 /mo (+taxes)
₹3499 /mo (+taxes)
On request
Not Applicable
(Only Quarterly & Annual pricing is applicable)
Conversation charges as applicable in you region. Click here for details.
*Price for Indian destination numbers. Click here for other regions