In conversation with Praneet Agarwal, Co-Founder, WeSkill

“95% of our customer communications across the funnel are handled on WhatsApp via interakt, improving our message delivery and read rates further leaving
me less concerned about missing new business opportunities.”

 Praneet Agarwal, Co-Founder, WeSkill

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Meet WeSkill

WeSkill, an extra-curricular learning platform was launched in October 2020 to make holistic education for kids more accessible by leveraging technology.

Though the initial target audience was adults, Praneet and his team soon realized that the real need for an online platform for extra-curricular activities was among kids. They were quick to pivot their business model to focus on kids.

While parents from the metro cities have one too many options to sign their kids up for extra-curricular activities, parents from the tier 2 cities are left with comparatively lesser choices. With the pandemic opening up new avenues for online learning, Praneet and his team aim to offer online learning for kids in non-metro cities.

Their Goals

While there has been a great demand in general, the team has realized that with extra-curricular activities, the demand can be seasonal. Summer vacations and school holidays act as the main drive for parents to sign their kids up for such recreational activities.

Praneet shared that their objective to move their communications to WhatsApp was to be more customer-focused. Their goals were:

  • To bring in ease of communication for the large chunk of their non-metro audience who prefer WhatsApp over email or any other channel.
  • To improve their open rates and ensure that more people are getting their messages.

Their Solution

After trying with 5 different vendors, Praneet was convinced to go with interakt’s WhatsApp Business solution, owing to the transparent pricing mechanism and instant customer support that was offered.

Praneet also pointed out that the documentation available on interakt’s website was helpful in getting started with the process quickly.

Today, they receive close to 200 WhatsApp chats daily which are being easily managed by a two-member support team.

“interakt’s pricing has been super transparent and from day 1 I had full clarity on how much I will be paying. This really helps since we are a young business. The constant support that I got at interakt has been great!”

 Praneet Agarwal, Co-Founder, WeSkill

How did interakt help?

interakt has helped WeSkill automate their communications to a great extent.

This has helped the company save on unnecessary manpower that would otherwise have to be deployed to manage customer chats manually.

• Earlier, with email communications, 50% of the messages were not reaching their customers but now with interakt, this number has been reduced to less than 5% on WhatsApp.
• The team no longer needs to build manual workflows and spend time creating WhatsApp groups to keep their customers updated.
• WhatsApp is being used across the funnel, right from the time a lead is generated to getting the user to sign up for a trial session, follow-ups with customers to sign-up for the course along with feedback and customer queries.
• API integration on interakt has been most beneficial, enabling the team to integrate with their internal processes.

Looking to enroll your kids in online extra-curricular classes?

WeSkill has a wide range of activities to offer. Talk to the team on WhatsApp today to know more.