WhatsApp Business is effective but it can only have the best impact when you set yourself up for success. This means you need to have a strong presence, and that starts with your display name.


In this post, we will specifically discuss what your WhatsApp name should be, and everything else you need to know about it.

What is WhatsApp display name?

WhatsApp display name is the name that is displayed on your WhatsApp profile, which will be shown to other users/customers in group conversations, chats, and contact lists. In other words, it is your or your business’s username on WhatsApp, which users, especially the ones who haven’t saved your contact, will see when they interact with you on the platform.

WhatsApp’s display name guidelines

These are the major guidelines for WhatsApp display names that should be followed when deciding on your business display name: 

Compliance with policies

Your WhatsApp Business display name should adhere to the WhatsApp Business Messaging Policy. Also, note that to have separate WhatsApp Business accounts for specific departments, those departments should comply with WhatsApp Commerce policy. Here’s an example of acceptable and unacceptable display names:

• Accepted: Mikey’s Sporting Goods Store

• Unaccepted: Mikey’s Sporting Goods Store- Guns department

Accurate representation of your business

Your WhatsApp display name should represent your business, its product, service, or department. If applicable, the name should also accurately represent the test account or demo account along with a clear association with the business.


For businesses using a personal name, it is important to clearly show the nature of the business. Display names that are solely generic words or geographical locations will not be accepted.


Here are accepted and unaccepted display name examples:

• Accepted: Tim Cook Florist

• Unaccepted: London



Avoid using words like Official or Verified in the WhatsApp display name as this can mislead customers. Keep in mind that the business display name should also not have a reference to Meta or any Meta-related apps. To maintain professionalism the display name should also not be formatted as a website link or email. Here is an example:

• Accepted: Marko Bakers

• Unaccepted: [email protected]

Consistency with external branding and clear alignment with the business’s legal name

Your business display name should be associated with or have a clear relationship with the legal name of your business. If the display name does not outrightly indicate its relationship to the parent business, you can indicate the connection with “by [BUSINESS NAME]”. Here is an example:

• Accepted: Delight Ice-creams by Fresh Dairy

• Unaccepted: Delight Ice-creams


If the display name is indicative of a partner, agency, distributor, or parent company, this relationship should be highlighted in the WhatsApp display name. Also, note that the end-client business is presented on the business website.


Another important guideline is to maintain consistency in branding with external sources like the business’s website or with the verified legal name of the business.


Below are a few examples of accepted and unaccepted WhatsApp display names:

• Accepted: Fresh Dairy Delight Ice-Creams

• Accepted: Fresh Diary India.

• Unaccepted: Digital delight (If this name cannot be found on any of the business’s external sources)

• Unaccepted: Ice-creams

What is the review process for a WhatsApp Business display name?

While selecting the Display Name for your WhatsApp Business, the platform goes through a review process to check whether it complies with its guidelines. This review process entails confirming that the Display Name is easily understandable and associated with your business and that it complies with WhatsApp’s commerce and messaging policies.


If your chosen name does not meet these criteria, you will get a notification and be asked to enter a new Display Name for consideration. This first assessment is often done when you create your WhatsApp Business account for the first time. Furthermore, any future changes that you make to the Display Name that are substantial may also require a second review to check that they meet the guidelines of the service.


The display name you requested will be approved once your business meets the requirements for higher messaging capabilities.


This process ensures that the business display name adheres to WhatsApp’s business-customer communication and is secure and compliant.

How can I change my WhatsApp Business display name?

Before you start changing your WhatsApp Business display name, ensure that you have a business portfolio and are signed up to the WhatsApp Business platform. To be eligible for a display name your phone number should also be connected to your WhatsApp Business account and your business should qualify for higher WhatsApp messaging limits. Here is how you can change your WhatsApp display name:

Step 1: Open WhatsApp Business Manager and choose your business.

Step 2: Select the menu button.

Step 3: Click on WhatsApp manager.

Step 4: Select the account for which you want to change the display name.

Step 5: From the left-most side open the menu and click on Phone numbers.

Step 6: Find the name column and hover over the current display name. Click on the pencil icon to open the edit section.

Step 7: Enter the new display name and click Next.

Your display name will have to be reviewed by WhatsApp before an updated certificate is issued. After approval, you can update it through the following methods: use the Registration endpoint for Cloud API accounts (no certificate required) or the Account endpoint for on-premises API accounts.

The certificate will be generated based on your account status: if your business is unverified, the certificate will be immediately available for download; if verified, your phone number will initially show a “Pending Review” label, and once approved, a “View” button will appear to access the certificate.

Display names can be changed up to 10 times in 30 days, and a new 30-day period will begin with the same number of changes allowed. New display names have certificates that are only valid for 14 days and if the certificate expires then the display name has to be resent for approval. It is important to point out that display name review is no longer a prerequisite to begin on the WhatsApp Business platform.

6 tips for choosing a WhatsApp display name that gets approved

Here are some of the best tips and best practices to follow to get your WhatsApp display name approved by WhatsApp: 

1. The display name should be specific

Your display name in WhatsApp should not be a generic word. For instance, a software brand cannot simply use “Software” as its user name. Similarly, generic words like location names, slogans, long descriptions, full names, etc. will not be accepted.

2. Avoid mistakes and unacceptable words/elements

Avoid names with all capital letters, full name of a person, name that infringes copyright, or any deceptive or misleading display names. The branding should be maintained and cannot be changed by adding/removing anything like a word, space, emoji or symbols. 

Names of cities, regions, and countries can be added. Additionally, unless the original branding has them, the name should not contain any of these characters- ~!@#$%^&*()_+:;”’{}[]\|<>,/?.

3. Ensure a clear relationship with the business is indicated

Ensure the display name you use relates to the business and isn’t misleading or inaccurate. For test or demo accounts, be sure to indicate in the WhatsApp display name that it is a test or demo account. The display name of a separate branding should have the relationship between the brand and the parent company indicated.

4. Format as per WhatsApp’s guidelines

The display name needs to be formatted by strictly following WhatsApp Business display name guidelines. The name has to contain more than three characters and it shouldn’t be in URL format unless the original branding is in URL format.

5. Plan future growth

The display name should be decided on after considering how it will scale with the business. Very specific names might limit your business if your business might expand to other regions or start more diverse product/service offerings in the future.

6. Review WhatsApp’s approval process

WhatsApp reviews the display names to ensure that they adhere to its policies. Be prepared with additional information as it will be required if your display name does not meet the guidelines on the first submission.


Think of your WhatsApp display name as thoroughly as your social media usernames. 


You want to keep it consistent with your brand name and how your audience knows of it across channels. This can help build better brand recall, leading to higher engagement too!