In recent years, messaging apps are becoming more popular and a preferred method of marketing. Statistics show that, in 2020, messaging apps were 20% bigger than popular social networks. Approximately 2.9 billion people now use Messenger and WhatsApp for their needs. According to Kenshoo, 51% of mobile messaging app users prefer to contact brands via mobile messages as per report.

Businesses can no longer afford to ignore using it for marketing purposes. A successful business is based on the customers and the relationships the business has with the customer. Personal messaging apps such as WhatsApp set up the direct medium for businesses to interact with their customers. That’s not all – with the variety of smartphones in the market, the number of users using WhatsApp is on the rise. Therefore, it’s important for businesses to understand the importance of WhatsApp marketing and to use it in the right way for their business.


WhatsApp Marketing EXPLAINED [2024]

WhatsApp Marketing is promoting your products/services to drive more conversion, sales and revenue. 

Marketing on WhatsApp involves sending messages, sharing on-brand content, building brand authenticity and personality of your brand on the platform and providing reliable and fast customer service through the WhatsApp marketing platform. 

As it is now legal to use WhatsApp as a marketing channel for businesses. It is important to know that brands remain compliant with its guidelines and they cannot use it unless their customers have opted in to receive WhatsApp marketing messages from the brand through WhatsApp.


4 Reasons WHY WhatsApp Marketing is relevant in 2024

Here are a few reasons why we recommend using WhatsApp for marketing: 

1. Deeper relationships with customers

Most customers find it easier to connect to brands via communication platforms like WhatsApp. And moreover, WhatsApp marketing is a great strategy to build and nurture customer relationships in the long run. WhatsApp provides you with a lot of WhatsApp marketing tools for personalizing your customer interactions, be it through a welcome message or a birthday wish or a personalized special discount.

2. Higher conversion rate

Traditional channels like email and calls are reliable, but while one has the risk of not being opened, the other might be seen as a nuisance by some customers. WhatsApp on the other hand, has a higher chance of converting customers. It has a better open rate, and with the right WhatsApp marketing tool and the right messaging strategy, it has a higher chance of nudging buyers towards a purchase.

Setup WhatsApp Marketing Campaign With WhatsApp API

3. Improve sales

Based on a survey, it was revealed that simply adding a brand’s WhatsApp phone number to the website can result in a 27% increase in sales leads. WhatsApp offers a lot of benefits that can help marketers sell better and besides this, it can perform equally well as a sales channel by itself.

4. Cost-effective marketing

WhatsApp marketing is extremely cost-effective and it has been proven to do wonders for small businesses when we consider the cost-to-return ratio. Straight out of the WhatsApp Business app, you can start your business journey for free. With the WhatsApp Business API and a WhatsApp Business solution provider like Interakt, you can expect better sales, better customer relations and better growth by paying a small price to enhance your marketing game.

3 WhatsApp Marketing Strategy Brands Use in 2024

Here are three things we highly recommend following when getting started with WhatsApp marketing: 

1. Segment your customers

Customer segmentation is important as it helps you better target your messages and offer a more personalized experience to each customer. Segment your audiences based on where they opt in from, what their interests are, their purchase history etc. This way you can seamlessly run personalized campaigns at scale.


Learn how refined customer list spiked 25% open rate for State Plate

2. Automate your campaigns

Even in your marketing campaigns, if you find any responses or any areas that can be automated, do it. There is plenty of heavy lifting your team has to do on a daily basis and by automating wherever it’s possible, you are allowing your team to work on where they are most needed.

For example, with Interakt you can create custom flows that help walk the consumer from the point of discovering the product all the way to the purchase, solely with WhatsApp automation.


Learn Perfora now manages all their Shopify campaigns on WhatsApp

3. Keep your catalog up-to-date

Create collections to group items and make it easier for customers to navigate and find products. Also frequently update your WhatsApp catalog with new products and new deals. This is important because once you start scaling your WhatsApp business, people will start treating it as your website, instead of visiting your website itself. You are offering a convenient alternative, so make sure that it is not just convenient but also relevant and up-to-date.


Learn how The Design Cart got 45% improved response rates with WhatsApp catalog


4 WhatsApp Marketing Messages To Boost Engagement

Here are the four latest WhatsApp marketing messages we recommend businesses to use: 

1. WhatsApp carousel message

WhatsApp Business users can send out WhatsApp Carousel messages with up to 10 customizable cards to market their products/services. 


This type of WhatsApp marketing message makes it easier for the customer to browse what you have to offer and easily find products. WhatsApp Carousel messages can also greatly improve engagement and offer a seamless shopping experience.

Setup Carousel Message Template on WhatsApp

2. WhatsApp Interactive Button Message

WhatsApp API enables you to craft dynamic messages that can do more than merely send info. You can send out interactive messages with WhatsApp buttons as reply and list messages. 

Interakt’s multiple CTA Button feature within your WhatsApp message creates a more interactive and engaging experience for customers unlike with other channels.

Learn: Ways to setup interactive message on WhatsApp with our step-by-step guide

3. Promotional message

You can send out promotional messages in bulk to your contacts using the WhatsApp Broadcast message feature. This lets you send anything from special offers to sales alerts to new collection updates, to all your contacts with ease. Take a look at this WhatsApp marketing template:

					Hey there! 

Our new winter collection just dropped and it is as dope as ever!

Go check it out right away!

<Check out-NOW!>


4. Abandoned cart message

Abandoned carts are quite an annoyance but with WhatsApp, you can alert your customers about their carts and hence have a better chance at winning back sales that could have been lost. 

WhatsApp’s better open rates suggest how effective it can be for cart recovery and with the right strategy you can significantly reduce your cart abandonment rates. Here’s a WhatsApp marketing sample for an idea:

					Hey [NAME]! 
It seems like you have left something behind in your cart. 
Buy now and get an extra 5% off!


2. WhatsApp Interactive Button Message

WhatsApp API enables you to craft dynamic messages that can do more than merely send info. You can send out interactive messages with reply buttons and list messages. 

Interakt’s multiple CTA Button feature within your WhatsApp message create a more interactive and engaging experience for customers unlike with other channels.

6 Steps To Set Up WhatsApp Marketing in 2024

Getting started with WhatsApp marketing is easy. Irrespective of the scale you are at, here’s how to get started: 


1. Learn the Opt-in Rules

WhatsApp marketing requires you to be compliant with their rules and guidelines.

Five of these key regulations of WhatsApp compliance policies include the following:

1. Brands can send out marketing messages and initiate conversation with customers, only if the customer has opted-in and given their consent or has directly reached out to the brand on WhatsApp.

2. The brand opt-in forms must contain the brand’s logo, WhatsApp name, details of what the customer will and a field where customers can fill in their phone numbers.

3. Brands have to be clear about the kinds of information they will send out such as transaction alerts, shipping and order updates, promotions etc. If you will send different types of messages as well later, this should also have the customer’s permission beforehand.

4. Customer support calls cannot be counted as opting-in.  In such a scenario, the brand can only send a follow-up within 24 containing information regarding the issue and its resolution.

5. All presentations of the brand in the WhatsApp marketing campaigns such as the opt-in forms, announcements etc. should be compliant with WhatsApp branding compliance.

Learn: Ways to get WhatsApp opt-in & convert visitors to customers
Copy of Final Deck WOW Delhi Mar 2024 3
Hershey's WhatsApp Opt-In Website Form


2. Download the WhatsApp Business app and create a business profile

Once you are familiar with the guidelines, start by downloading the WhatsApp Business app from the App Store or the Play Store. This app is crafted with small to mid-sized businesses in mind, giving them access to features that help them establish an online presence – starting with their business profile. 

When done right, a WhatsApp Business Profile is like a mini-website for the brand which can display the brand name, logo, provide contact information and give a detailed but short description of the type of products/ services sold.

Your WhatsApp Business Profile should also include information on your open hours, category, address etc. to add authenticity to your business account. 


3. Promote your WhatsApp Business Profile 

Once your profile is up, you need to promote your WhatsApp business profile to drive more conversations on the channel.

By adding a WhatsApp chat widget on your website let your visitors know that they can reach out to you on messages for quick assistance or to avail special deals. 

You can also promote your WhatsApp Business link through your social media pages as a link in bio or add them to your posts as a call-to-action. 

Click to WhatsApp ads are another effective way to direct customers to your WhatsApp business profile. When running promotional campaigns around new products or deals, instead of taking your audience to the website, you can drive them to WhatsApp to drive an opt-in that makes it easier to follow-up. 


4. Set up WhatsApp automation and quick replies 

The next step is to set up WhatsApp automation and optimize everyday tasks. You can also enable quick replies to speed up communication and offer instant customer support.


Steps to enable WhatsApp automation :

• Go to “More Options”> “Business tools”> “Quick replies”.

• Set up your quick reply messages.

• Choose your quick reply shortcut.

• Create keywords to find quick replies faster.

You can add up to quick replies 50 and each quick reply shortcut can be as long as 25 characters. 

Learn: Ways to setup quick replies on WhatsApp & build a better customer experience

Additionally, with WhatsApp Business API platforms like Interakt, you can set up custom WhatsApp automation workflows as well to reduce the load on your team and run routine tasks seamlessly while keeping your target audience engaged.

With WhatsApp Business API Business can send automated messages which include: 

• Welcome and greeting messages 

• Order and delivery updates 

• Feedback collection and surveys 

• Alerts and reminders  

• Abandoned cart recovery 

And more 


5. Organize contacts and chats using labels

One extremely handy WhatsApp marketing tool is the label feature. This helps you better segment customers and divide chats to better handle customer interactions. 

Customers at different phases of their journey can be engaged as necessary while allowing your team to prioritize tasks in a more organized manner.

With Interakt’s Shared Team Inbox, labels become even more effective. Labels can be used to assign customer interactions to different members. End customers often reach out to brands for various reasons like support queries, feedback etc. These customers, using conversation labels, can be differentiated, tracked, assigned and prioritized based on context.


6. Create a catalog for your products

Create product catalogs containing information like product cost, detailed product description, and a unique image for each item in your inventory. You have the option to upload a maximum of 500 products. 

Customers can use the WhatsApp catalog in the following way:

1. Customers can view a product or a list of products. These can simply be clicked to receive additional product information.

2. Customers, if they like a particular product, can directly add the product to their shopping cart.

3. Once they have decided on products and added them to the cart, they can send it to the business, who will follow up with further steps to complete the purchase.

This function eliminates the need to guide your customers to an external website and continuously share product details and images with potential contacts. This feature lets you effortlessly distribute your catalog to showcase and advertise your products and WhatsApp marketing services. 

Learn: Ways to setup catalogs on WhatsApp for quick customer conversions

Wrapping Up

For a business to be successful, it’s important to market their offerings to customers. WhatsApp is the preferred and easiest choice of communication medium between businesses and customers. If you are keen on improving your customer interactions, it’s time you try out WhatsApp for your business. Businesses can work with Official WhatsApp Business Solution Providers, and use their products such as interakt to get started with WhatsApp Business API Don’t hesitate to reach out to us if you are ready to skyrocket your business using WhatsApp Business API.