
Sell More - Grow More with PayU - Interakt Integration

Establish safe & easy payments on WhatsApp while making shopping frictionless for your customers on their favorite messaging channel & boost your WhatsApp sales as higher as ever.

Integrate your PayU account within 10 seconds

Get started with logging into your PayU account and connect your PayU account with Interakt to enable safe & seamless payments on WhatsApp.

Create payment link for customers in a click

Generate & send automated payment links to customers whenever they reach out to you while placing an order from your WhatsApp store.

Share payment link directly on WhatsApp

Setup automated payment confirmation message on WhatsApp & trigger an automated invoice whenever a payment is done via PayU.

Enable Your Business Growth With More Integrations We Offer

Can't find a platform integration you're looking for?

If it has public APIs, we can integrate it for you!

Scale your business growth using Interakt

Interakt offered us a faster go-to-market for our WhatsApp Business requirements. Great product for startups.
Bhanu Gurram, Co-Founder
Ditto by Finshots
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Interakt has made it really easy for our operating team to generate new sales, and respond to customer queries all on WhatsApp.
Sandeep Sridhar
Founder, Home Canvas
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Interakt has provided an easy and direct channel for our customers to get in touch with us on WhatsApp.
Rebekah Sood
Co-Founder, Atmosphere Kombucha
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Get Started with Interakt Today

Get Started with Interakt Today

• Drive Sales & Customer Experience   • No Set-up Costs   • No Surcharge on Notifications

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