Once you have completed onboarding with Interakt, your WhatsApp API number will be enabled and ready for use.
‍While you get ready to dive in and explore the many features that we’ve built for you on Interakt, we would like to help you understand more about the types of Account Status of your WhatsApp business account and the available messaging limits.

The quality and quantity of messages from your WhatsApp Business API number directly impacts your number’s Account Status and the Messaging Limit.

Account Status

Your account status depends on the quality rating for your number, as assessed by WhatsApp. The quality rating is dependent on how your customers are perceiving the messages you send them. If your customers mark the messages as spam or block your number on Whatsapp, this could result in your quality rating going down.

To check out your Account Status and Messaging Limit, head to the Notifications tab on your Interakt dashboard. You will notice the two parameters listed right on top.

There are three types of account status:

 Healthy – This implies that your account’s quality rating (as assessed by WhatsApp) is High or Medium, as the messages that you have been sending to your customers in the last 7 days have been of good quality.

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 At Risk – This implies that your account’s quality rating (as assessed by WhatsApp) is low, as the messages that you have been sending to your customers in the last 7 days have been of poor quality. You can get this status changed to ‘Healthy’ by ensuring that you improve the quality of content that you send out to your users.

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 Restricted – This implies that your account has exceeded the Messaging Limit. This limit is reset in the next 24 hours.
When your account status becomes restricted:
> You won’t be able to message customers who haven’t messaged you in the last 24 hours
> You can however continue to respond to those customers who have messaged you atleast once in the last 24 hours

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Messaging Limit

Your account’s messaging limit tells you how many unique customers you can message in a 24 hour rolling period.

• If your messaging limit is 1000 customers per 24 hours, it implies that once you have messaged 1000 unique customers in a period of 24 hours, you cannot further send messages to customers with whom you don’t have an active chat window (i.e. customers who haven’t messaged you in the last 24 hours).

• However, this limit doesn’t apply to those customers with whom you have an active chat window in the last 24 hours. This simply means that even if you cross your messaging limit, you can still reply to customers who have messaged you in the past 24 hours.

• After the messaging limit is exceeded, it will be reset in the next 24 hours.

• There are 3 tiers under this:

> Tier 1: Allows your business to send messages to 1K unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period

> Tier 2: Allows your business to send messages to 10K unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period

> Tier 3: Allows your business to send messages to 100K unique customers in a rolling 24-hour period

• You can always get your messaging limit upgraded to a higher tier. Check out this link to understand how to get your messaging limit upgraded.

• Your messaging limit could also be downgraded in case your Account Status becomes ‘At Risk’ and doesn’t improve to a ‘Healthy’ status for 7 days.

Pro tips to ensure that your Account Status stays healthy

• Ensure that you send messages to only those customers who have opted-in to receive your messages
• Improve the quality of the messages that you send by making the content highly personalized for the customer
• Send acceptable messages as recommended by WhatsApp
• Optimize the content and length of your messages to avoid getting marked as spam
• Avoid sending customers too many messages a day