We understand that as a growing business, you would want to send WhatsApp communications to your customers at a time when it is most likely to create maximum impact.

For example: You might want to ask your customers for feedback on an order 3 hours after it gets delivered to them.

3 hours might just be the right gap for your business – the customer gets enough time to see the product, and at the same time, it would still be fresh in his/ her mind to give feedback. This is now possible on Interakt.

You can set up campaigns which would trigger automatically when the specified time-gap has passed after the event occurred for your customer.

For example: 3 hours after the event ‘order delivered’; 6 hours after the event ‘abandoned cart’ etc.

How can you set up a campaign with delay after an event?

Suppose you have the following use-case:
Whenever a customer signs up on your website, you want to send him/her a welcome message 2 hours after they have signed up.

 Pre-requisite before you can set up the above campaign:
Whenever a customer signs up on your website, you should be passing an event to Interakt for that customer via APIs.

(In case you have a Shopify e-store, you don’t have to take any effort to pass events via APIs. You can just integrate your Shopify e-store with Interakt and events like order placed, order shipped, abandoned checkout would get sent automatically!). Ping us for Shopify related queries!

Process for setting up the campaign:

 Head over to Interakt’s Notifications tab & click on ‘+New Campaign’.

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 Set a campaign name.

 In the ‘Choose your audience’ section, select notification type as ‘Ongoing’ since you want this to happen every time a user signs up.

 Click on ‘+Add Filter’.

 Select the event which you are sending for your customer (when he/she signs up). If you have sent the event at least once for any customer of yours, it would automatically get saved and appear in this Filter List. Here we choose the event named ‘Sign Up Completed’.

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 You can select any ‘date/time’ type trait under that event. Here, we choose the trait ‘Created On’ – this is the time of your event.

 Choose the condition ‘exactly’ and select the time-gap unit (day / hour / minute).

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 Specify the time after which the notification should be sent

– If you select 2 days: the notification will be sent exactly 48 hours after the event ‘Sign Up Completed’ happens for a customer.

– If you select 2 hours: the notification will be sent exactly 120 minutes after the event ‘Sign Up Completed’ happens for a customer.

– If you select 2 minutes: the notification will be sent exactly 120 seconds after the event ‘Sign Up Completed’ happens for a customer.

 Click on ‘Done’.
 Then select a message template.
 Define when the campaign should start and end.
 Set the campaign live.
 Then send the event for a customer and see the notification being sent after the defined delay!

How will this feature help you?

 To reactivate your customer:
After signup – Your customer might sign up on your website/app but might have remained inactive for a few days. Schedule messages for such customers to bring them back!

Pro tip – To further filter out inactive customers amongst those who signed up, you could use another filter. Here, you could use a trait like ‘total_orders_count’ and set the filter condition ‘is 0’.

If you set the filters as below, this notification would be sent only to those customers who signed up 2 days ago and have not placed any orders till then. You can add traits like ‘total_orders_count’ for customers via APIs or via CSV upload.

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After they abandon their cart – Your customer might have abandoned the shopping cart and forgotten about it. Schedule messages for such customers to remind them about what they wanted to buy!

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 To take feedback from your customer:
Few hours after the order is delivered – Customers might be ready to provide feedback in the few hours after receiving your product. Make sure you reach out to your customers requesting for feedback within the time window!

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 Need help in setting up a delayed campaign or do you have a different use-case for setting campaigns with a delay on the triggering event? We would love to hear about it! Chat with us here