Interakt users can now set up Auto replies to frequently asked questions (FAQ) by their customers. They can manage customer conversations better and improve their experience by creating automated replies for their messages on WhatsApp. These auto-replies are known as Custom Auto Replies.  

Following are some of its benefits:

 Manage high volumes of customer conversations efficiently.
 Improve customer experience through smart instantaneous auto replies.
 Choose from a variety of touchpoints to market and promote your business.

A. Setting up Custom Auto Reply

Step 1: Click on “Automation” from the Settings tab on Interakt. Post which users can click on the “Custom Auto Reply” tab.

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Custom Auto Reply Homepage

Step 2: This is the homepage of Custom Auto Reply where users will be able to read a brief on the module and watch a demo video explaining the same.

Step 3: Users can click on, “ Add new Custom Reply” button to set up a new Custom Auto reply. It is this reply that is once set up appears as a list on the Homepage of the module. In the above screenshot, it shows 29 total user inputs which basically means that 29 Custom Auto Replies have been set. Actions such as edit and delete can be performed on each of these replies.

On clicking the. “Add new Custom Reply” a pop up appears which allows users to set up Auto replies.

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Setting up Custom Auto Reply Message (Sample)‍

Step 4: It is here where users can set up the Custom Auto Reply. Every Custom Auto Reply consists of the below attributes.

 Customer Input: This is the user input for which you would expect the Custom Auto Reply to be triggered. More often than not, these are FAQs. Customer Input is mandatory for a Custom Auto Reply to be set up on Interakt.

It consists of input and input variations which makes it a total of 6 variations. Let us understand this through an example, say whenever an end customer reaches out to your business saying, “Do you have various pricing options available?”

You want the message, “Yes! We offer various types of pricing models of the product” to go out.‍
In this case, the values in “Customer Input” will be as follows:‍
Customer Input: Pricing option available
Input variations:

1. Different pricing option

2. Tell me more on pricing

3. Types of pricing

And so on.

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Setting up Custom Auto Reply Message (Sample)

You can set up to 5 variations for a given input. The custom Auto replies gets triggered for an exact match. The type of input and its variations you set is dependent on the business workflow and the type of customer interaction you have. Hence these must be crafted smartly.

Let’s look at the next part of setting up Custom Auto Reply which is the response.

Note: Both the Input and its variations have character limits associated with them and duplicate values amongst customer input and input variations are not allowed.

 Custom Auto Reply: This is where the users define the type of response they want to be triggered when the customer input or the input variations get triggered.

Interakt users can set up primarily 2 types of Custom Auto Replies.

1. Custom Message: Users can set up a custom message in response to an input triggered as part of the FAQ. This custom message can contain a message body within which there are variables, attachments (such as media files), buttons, and much more. The way a custom message is designed is dependent on the workflow and the Use Case.

In our example of Customer input, being “Pricing option available”. The custom message response can be, “Hi  {{1}} !Yes, we have different pricing options available basis your needs. Our pricing is fair and transparent. Let us know which pricing plan are you interested in? Regards, Team.”

Custom messages can include dynamic variables media files as well as buttons. These insure that your customer message is catered to your business workflow and customer requirement.

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Setting up Custom Auto Reply Message (Sample)

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Now let us look at the second type of Custom Auto Reply, which is the Product Collection List message that can be triggered in response to a customer input.‍

2. Product Collection List Message: Users can trigger a list of  Product Collections when an end customer input gets triggered.

As a result, whenever a customer clicks on the collection, the corresponding catalog will be sent. This ensures that customers get to explore your product catalog in an automated fashion.

To set up a product collection list it is a prerequisite to first set up it via. Commerce settings under Settings module.

Below is an example of users setting up a Product collection list message in response to a Customer input.

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B. Setting up Interaktive List Messages

Interaktive List messages allow users to set up Custom Auto Replies in response to user input, via. List Messages.

Doing this via Interaktive List messages allows users to configure Custom Auto Replies in the form of Menu buttons. This can be done in two simple steps.

Step 1: Click on “Include new List Message”

Step 2: A popup comes in where users need to select the input from the dropdown option for which the Custom Auto-Reply will be triggered.

Note: It is the “Input” and not the “Input variations” that will appear in the dropdown menu.

Step 3: Users can also name the Interaktive List Message as they deem fit. While the Custom Auto Reply gets triggered for the Input. This name is what appears in the List Message. This is not compulsory and users can choose to keep the same name for Interaktive List Message as the Customer input.

Once saved, the Interaktive List message appears in the queue of List Messages.

The difference in configuring a Custom Auto Reply via. Interaktive List Message is that it allows users to have more than one ways in place

Now, let us understand how Custom Auto Replies work alongside other Auto Replies as part of the Automation suite through some commonly asked questions.

C. Understand how Custom Auto-Replies works alongside other Auto Replies

Q1. I have set up both Custom Auto Replies as well as all the other Auto Replies (OOO, Welcome & Delayed). Which one will be triggered when a user reaches out to my business with the input same as mentioned in one of the Custom Auto-Reply?

Answer: This depends on the user input. If the input entered by the user is similar to the input for Custom Auto Reply then those get triggered automatically. This is irrespective of whether the message was sent during business hours or out of business hours.

Q2. Will the Custom Auto Reply get triggered post any other Auto Reply getting triggered such as a Welcome, OOO or Delayed?

Answer: Yes. Anytime an end-user sends a message which is an exact match with the Custom Auto Reply input. The Custom Auto-Reply will get triggered. This is irrespective of whether it happens mid-conversation, the start of the conversation, or at the end of it.