In this article, we’ll help you understand how to search & filter customer chats on WhatsApp using Interakt’s WhatsApp CRM i.e. Shared Team Inbox.

Whether there is a high volume of incoming traffic or different business functions are using the shared team inbox. Users on Interakt must be able to filter the inbox conversations based on their preferences. Inbox filters allow users to do the same.

How to use the Inbox filter on Interakt’s Shared Team Inbox

1. To access filters, click on the “filter” icon next to the Inbox view as shown below.

image2 7

2. Now you’ll see all the filters:

a. Chat status, whether the chat is Open or Closed

b. Labels assigned to customers for internal communication

c. Assignee, filter by the teammates to whom the chats are assigned

d. Sort by the newest or oldest chats

image7 2

3. Once you have selected the desired filters, click on Apply Filters. If you want to remove the filter, click on Reset. 


4. A red dot will appear on the Filter icon denoting that the filter has been applied 


Select Multiple Chats in the Shared Team Inbox

image3 7

1. If you want to select multiple chats, for say closing or assigning chats, click on the double tick icon on the far right side.

image8 3

2. You can select multiple chats and take the desired action – close chat or assign it to your teammate. 

image4 4

Search for chats/users in the Shared Team Inbox

1. If you want to search for a particular chat/customer in the Inbox that you have previously interacted with, you can do so by clicking on the search icon (magnifying glass)

image5 4

2. You can search for the user/chat by entering their name or phone number(recommended) 

image1 9

How to use Inbox View Filter in the Shared Team Inbox

1. If you want to only see the conversations that are – 

a. Unassigned 

b. Assigned to you 

c. Have been marked as Spam

You can do so by clicking on the All Button on the left-hand side of your Inbox. Once you select the desired Inbox Filter View, you click on it and the Inbox view will change accordingly.

In the example below, we have selected Spam as the inbox view filter, however, we have not marked any customers/chats as spam so there are no such conversations available.

image6 3

Hope this article helped you understand how to get started with Interakt’s WhatsApp CRM, how to search/filter chats using Shared Team Inbox.