The growth of the health and wellness industry in the eCommerce field has been exceptional and rapid.

In 2020, the personal care and health industry was worth $116.5 billion. Statistics show that with a growth rate of 7.2%, the personal care/ wellbeing industry is expected to hit a total worth of $154 billion by the year 2024. What this means is it has never been a better time for upstarts to enter the playground.

And that means more competition for existing brands.

Customers browsing through this industry today have countless choices that can cater to their interests. And inevitably, this has led to a critical increase in cart abandonment rates. 

To put things into perspective again, 69.57% of shopping carts are abandoned on average across industries.

We have previously discussed the positives of using WhatsApp for cart recovery, as well as how to do it. Knowing the benefits of this, we thought you could use some help. Here are a few WhatsApp message templates for abandoned cart recovery.

WhatsApp Cart Recovery Template Examples for Health and Wellness Industry

Having the right template could ultimately define your chances of selling products that were previously left out in shopping carts. And the key to being right is knowing what the customer wants as well as how each customer segment can be unique. Each of the following examples can be unique and hence can serve peculiar purposes. Feel free to craft cart recovery templates with creative flair in order to hit the right spot with target customers.

Send a Simple Reminder:

Customers could unintentionally leave their carts without going through to the purchase. If such is the case, a simple reminder, ideally sent within a day, can bring them back without having to go overboard in the process. Keep it crisp and friendly.

“Hey Karen, your Multivitamin supplements are waiting for you in the cart. Here is your reminder to complete the purchase right away!”

“Hello, Carl. You left behind your hair care kit in your shopping cart. Don’t be missing out on making every day a good health day. Complete purchase now.” 

Provide Social Proof:

In the areas of health and wellness/personal care, customers have little room for going wrong with products. Trust becomes an important factor here, and that’s where providing social proof comes in handy. Portray your brand as trustworthy and dependable using the trust you have already managed to garner from customers in order to recover abandoned carts.

“Hey, Karen. We know how important skin care is to you. You’ll be glad to know 70% of our buyers recommend our brand’s Pro Skin Care kit. This is your cue to get back to your cart and complete the purchase.”

“Hello, Bob. 24 other customers have VX Calcium supplements in their cart. Complete your purchase before we run out.”

 Offer Discounts:

Customers can leave their shopping carts if they feel that the deal they get on isn’t intriguing enough. You need to tempt them with the right offer in order to win them back. A good discount value can bag a sale in most cases. Hence this is a golden move on which you can depend for better results.

“Hey, Sree. You have left something behind in your cart. We are offering a 35% discount on all Personal care products, just for you. What are you waiting for? Happy Shopping!”

“Hey there Tina. You have 2 packs of Nutricure left in your Cart. Buy now to get a 20% discount.” 

Induce FOMO:

Choices in the eCommerce health and wellness industry are various and customers tend to shift from time to time. Try employing a psychological approach to your WhatsApp cart recovery messages. Create a sense of urgency around your products. Fearing losing the deal, customers are more likely to come back.

“Hey, Chris. The Pro R Vitamin tablets in your cart are already in 19 other shopping carts. Hurry before we run out!”

“Hi, Rohit. There seems to be a limited stock of the skin care kit in your cart, and it’s selling out fast. Get back to your cart ASAP”

Offer Assistance:

Offering customers guidance and shopping assistance is a great way to show that you care. It brings personality to your brand and subsequently has a good appeal with customers returning to their carts. You can help them through the health/ wellbeing related products or even guide them to pick the right one based on their needs.

“Hello, Nick. We see supplements in your cart; need help to choose the right one as per weight? Talk to our experts.”

“Hey, John. We see that you are still not sure about the product in your cart. Need help? Talk to our health and wellbeing experts!”

 Send a How-to:

Sometimes customers might find it helpful to have instructions on the usage of a particular product. Sending a how-to video or a few crisp instructions will be really appreciated by customers and this can in turn positively affect their purchase decisions.

“Hey Mike, we know that getting the right treatment for getting healthy skin is a risky business. Here is a simple guide to finding the best skin care products for your skin type.”

“Hey, Vicky. Ayurveda is cool when it comes to skincare. Want to find the best treatment for you? Check out our video on choosing the best Ayurvedic treatment for skin care.”

Get Back your Lost Sales with WhatsApp Cart Recovery Messages!

The health and wellness industry is well on its way to growth and with such competition on the rise, you need the right approach to engaging customers and keeping one step ahead in the game.

With WhatsApp Business API you will be able to set up the best strategies and templates to recover abandoned carts.

And to make things easier you need to sign up for an Interakt Whatsapp Business account. Automate and make your strategies more effective, by signing up today.

Looking for more Templates? Explore our academy to find lessons fit for your industry.