The beauty and cosmetics industry has been growing at a rapid rate in the eCommerce sphere. 

As per statistics, the beauty industry is up from $483B in 2020 to $511B in 2021, with an annual compounded growth rate of 4.75% worldwide. If numbers are to be believed and consumer demand is taken into account, the industry is all set to exceed $784.6B by 2027. 

From a business perspective, this means opportunity. But it also means a lot of competition that is leading to an average of 75.6% average cart abandonment rate. 

In our previous lesson, we covered why and how to start using WhatsApp for abandoned cart recovery. But in this chapter, we’re going to share some WhatsApp templates you can use to bring back lost customers. 

WhatsApp cart recovery message templates for beauty and cosmetics brands 

Before you go through the templates below, it’s important to keep in mind that you consider who your consumer is. Take into consideration your target market and ideal customer persona, their purchase motivations, and then tailor these templates to bring them back to your store! 

Send a friendly reminder 

Sending out a friendly reminder within the first 24 hours of cart abandonment can bring back customers lost to distractions, without even sending out further discounts on the cart total. 

“Hey Jane, you left behind the moisturizing kit in your cart. With the monsoon season right around the corner, don’t skip the good skin regime!” 

“Hey Shay, we noticed you left behind the acne kit in your cart. This is your reminder to stock up before the product runs out!” 

Offer shopping assistance 

Sometimes, it takes a little guidance to help online shoppers purchase the right beauty and cosmetics products. But just like in-store shopping, they may require a little help to pick the right products. 

“Hey Shay, we noticed you added red lipstick to the cart, but did not complete the purchase. Would you like us to help you pick the right shade?”

“Hey Jane, picking the right nail extensions can be tough and we see you liked 5 of them. Do you need help choosing the right ones for you?” 

Send out a special discount 

Discounts are a winning strategy across all industries. To bring back your lost shoppers, send out a special discount or benefit on the cart total. 

“Hey Jane, your acne skincare kit is still waiting for you in the cart. Here’s a special discount code to get 25% off on the cart total: GET25OFF.” 

“Hey Maya, congratulations! Your cart total is eligible for a 35% discount for the next 24 hours. Come back and complete the purchase now.” 

Create a sense of urgency 

From fast beauty and cosmetics to brands that have been around for years and cheaper alternatives, there are way too many options available to an online shopper. This is why you need to create a sense of urgency around the products abandoned in your store. 

“Hey Jane, the red lipstick you added to the cart is a fast-selling item from the brand! There are only 10 pieces remaining. Come back and make the purchase now!” 

“Hey Sami, our moisturizer is selling out fast and there’s only a handful left. Don’t miss out on nourishing your skin. Come back to make the purchase now!” 

Share social proof 

Not too many consumers are happy switching beauty and cosmetics products often. No one wants to end up with agitated skin or breakouts! This is where leveraging social proof comes into play. 

“Hey Jane, we see you haven’t bought the BB cream in your cart yet. Don’t worry, it’s one of our best sellers and costumes are loving it. Here’s what the reviews are saying: <insert review here>” 

“Hey Seema, we know acne-prone skin can get easily irritated. But the products waiting in your cart are getting really good reviews. Here’s a before and after on the product: <insert picture>. Come back and make the purchase to heal your skin!” 

Send out a how-to 

Beauty and cosmetics products can be hard to make use of. Sometimes, seeing them in real life is what helps consumers make better purchase decisions – think about the mascara you recently tried at a store. But you can offer the same information online as well! 

“Hey Jane, we know it’s tough buying BB creams online. Here’s a simple guide to choosing the right shade for your skin: <pick the right shade>” 

“Hey Celina, now choose the perfect red lipstick shade for your skin. Here’s a link to our lookbook for different skin shades to help you choose the right one! <video link>” 

“Hey Sami, new to natural makeup? Watch our in-house beauty expert walk you through the makeup routine step-by-step: <video link>” 

Don’t miss another sale at your beauty and cosmetics store! 

The beauty and cosmetics industry is growing by the day. With the increasing competition, it is becoming crucial for businesses to become proactive at keeping consumer intent and interest engaged. 

With WhatsApp, there’s an opportunity for businesses to re-engage high purchase intent buyers through natural conversations. 

But to be able to use WhatsApp reminders for cart recovery, you need timeliness on your side and that’s where automation comes in. 

Ready to recover abandoned carts? Sign up on Interakt to get access to the WhatsApp Business API

Looking for more WhatsApp cart recovery templates? 

Explore other lessons in our academy to get industry-wise templates.