Welcome to Interakt’s WhatsApp CRM (Shared Team Inbox) guide.Shared Team Inboxhelps you and your team to support your customers through a collaborative team inbox with a single WhatsApp Business Number. It is a consolidated inbox for all your customer conversations, where you can assign or reassign chats to your team members, add labels to chats and search them using filters, store all your customer details in the form of smart cards and also view your customers’ conversation and order history. You can also add notes for internal communications, tags for grouping chats under each tag.

Moreover, Interakt’s Shared Team Inbox feature enables you and your team to access, create, and send personalized WhatsApp messages with rich media, quick replies and CTA buttons while having a 360 degree view of your users.

In this module, we’ll help you understand the process of assigning customer queries on WhatsApp using Interakt’s WhatsApp CRM i.e. Shared Team Inbox.

1. Assign & reassign chats manually

a. First, go to the Inbox View Filter and select Unassigned Chats.

b. Now, you can see all the unassigned chats in your Shared team Inbox. In the below screenshot we have – 44026 unassigned chats. 

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c. Now go to the chat window and click on the Assign chat button – as shown in the screenshot. 

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d. Now, you’ll be able to see all your teammates and can assign chat to them. 

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e. Once you have assigned the customer chat to a particular teammate, it will be mentioned in the chat window. This will only be visible to you and your team, not the customer. 

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f. Now, if a chat has been assigned to you but you feel that somebody else will be better able to solve this customer query, you can re-assign this chat to that team member. The steps are the same – Click on Assign Chat >> select Team member >> click on their name. The chat will be assigned to that team member. 

2. Auto Chat Assignment

As you saw in the above example there were more than 40,000 unassigned chats, manually assigning these chats would take up days. To avoid this tedious task, Interakt has the Auto Chat assignment feature!  This powerful feature streamlines chat assignments, ensuring they reach the right agent promptly. Whether it’s random assignment or based on custom routing rules, auto-assignment improves efficiency and enhances customer satisfaction.


We hope this article helped you understand how to assign & re-assign chats to your teammates. You can explore more such topics in our knowledge base.